Computational Color Imaging

Computational Color Imaging Workshop (CCIW 2024), September 25-27, 2024, Milan, Italy


Dr. Marcello Picollo

Color Measurements on Paintings: Methodologies and Issues

Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez Domingo

Advanced digital imaging techniques applied to cultural heritage


Dr. Simone Zini

Brightening the dark: Advances in Low-Light Image Enhancement and Night Photography Rendering

Dr. Flavio Piccoli

Personalizing White-Box Image Enhancement: Deep Learning and User-Centric Innovations

Dr. Luigi Celona

Modern Approaches to Explainable Image Aesthetic Assessment

Dr. Marco Buzzelli

Analysis of automatic white balance datasets and methods

Prof. Philippe Colantoni

The impact of lightness, color and geometry of illumination in Human Pose Estimation for Performing Arts

Invited speakers

Ján Morovic, HP Inc.

From Gutenberg to Llamas: print optimization through first principles and AI

Jan Morovic

Bio: Dr. Jan Morovic serves as a Principal Technologist and Senior Color Scientist at HP Inc.'s Large Format Printing Business, based in Barcelona. With two decades of industrial expertise, he specializes in the development and commercialization of cutting-edge technologies, steering technology roadmaps across multiple product lines and business units. Dr. Morovic is a co-inventor of 143 US patents and has co-authored 121 peer-reviewed scientific publications. He is also a recipient of awards from the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, the Society for Imaging Science and Technology, and HP Inc.

Peter Morovic, HP Inc.

Atomic color: from points to probability distributions

Peter Morovic

Bio: Dr Peter Morovic received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK) in 2002 and holds a B.Sc. in theoretical computer science from Comenius University (Bratislava, Slovakia). He has been a senior color and imaging scientist at HP Inc. since 2007 and has published 70+ peer-reviewed scientific articles, filed 180 US patents (142 granted). His research interests include image processing, color vision, color pipelines, computational photography, computational geometry and machine learning. His Erdős number is 4.

Marcello Picollo, Institute of Applied Physics "Nello Carrara"

VNIR and SWIR hyperspectral imaging for the study of Picasso paintings

Marcello Picollo

Bio: Dr. Marcello Picollo obtained PhD in Photonics from the University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Science and Forestry, Joensuu (Finland) and graduated in geology from the University of Florence. He is a senior researcher at the Institute of Applied Physics "Nello Carrara" of the National Research Council of Italy, Florence (Italy). He has been working on spectroscopic investigations of works of art since 1991 and his main research focus is on artists' material characterization using non-invasive spectroscopic and imaging techniques.

Miguel Ángel Martínez Domingo, University of Granada

Spectral imaging for the study of artworks and historical documents

Miguel Angel Martinez Domingo

Bio: Miguel Ángel Martínez-Domingo is Associate Professor in the Department of Optics of the Faculty of Science of University of Granada, Spain. He obtained his PhD. in Physics and Space Science in the branch of Optics in 2017. He also holds an Erasmus Mundus MSc. degree in Color and Spectral Science and two BSc. Degrees: one in Telecommunications Engineering and one in Optics and Optometry. His research expertise has already focused for more than 12 years in the capture, processing and analysis of color and spectral images, combined with other imaging technologies, applied to different fields of science and industry. In the last years his main projects are related to cultural heritage, color vision and food industry.

Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera, University of York

Advancements in Practical Facial Skin Reflectance Measurement and Realistic Age Transformation

Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera

Bio: Giuseppe Claudio Guarnera's research focuses on color, material, and facial appearance acquisition, perception, and rendering. He is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the University of York (UK). Alongside this role, he is a Senior Researcher at NTNU (NO) and a Senior Consultant at Lumirithmic (UK), a high-tech spin-out from Imperial College London, where he has contributed to patented state-of-the-art methods for facial appearance capture and lighting reproduction. He received his PhD in computer vision from the University of Catania (IT) in 2013 and enhanced his expertise in color and material appearance through research at the University of Southern California (US), the University of Milan-Bicocca (IT), and Loughborough University (UK). As a guest researcher at the Department of Psychology at Giessen University (DE), he gained significant expertise in material and color perception.

Preliminary program

September 25th: Tutorials and spotlights

09:30 Registration


10:00-10:30 "Brightening the dark: Advances in Low-Light Image Enhancement and Night Photography Rendering", Simone Zini
10:30-11:00 "Modern Approaches to Explainable Image Aesthetic Assessment", Luigi Celona
11:00-11:30 "Analysis of automatic white balance datasets and methods", Marco Buzzelli
11:30-12:00 "Personalizing White-Box Image Enhancement: Deep Learning and User-Centric Innovations", Flavio Piccoli
12:00-12:30 "The impact of lightness, color and geometry of illumination in Human Pose Estimation for Performing Arts", Philippe Colantoni
12:30-13:45 Lunch on own


13:45-15:15 "Advanced digital imaging techniques applied to cultural heritage", Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez Domingo
15:15-16:45 "Color Measurements on Paintings: Methodologies and Issues", Dr. Marcello Picollo

September 26th: Conference day 1


09:00-09:50 "Atomic color: from points to probability distributions",

Session 1A

09:50-10:10 "Extended Wien and Planck Loci",
10:10-10:30 "Exploiting Milano Retinex Contrast to Enhance Images with Strong Changes of Light Intensity",
10:30-10:50 "Intrinsic Image Decomposition based on Retinex Theory, Superpixel Segmentation and Scale-Space Computations",
10:50-11:20 Coffee break

Session 1B

11:20-11:40 "Uniform Color Space with Advanced Hue Linearity: PCS23-UCS",
11:40-12:00 "Color difference in context: an experiment",
12:00-12:20 "Dithering with Pascal Cellular Automata",
12:20-14:10 Lunch break


14:10-15:00 "Spectral imaging for the study of artworks and historical documents",
15:00-15:50 "VNIR and SWIR hyperspectral imaging for the study of Picasso paintings",
15:50-16:20 Coffee break

Session 1C

16:20-16:40 "Stabilization of the spectral power distribution of a tunable multichannel LED lighting system",
16:40-17:00 "Low light hyperspectral imaging using HDR methods",
17:00-17:20 "Spectral Imaging Methods for Estimating Fluorescence Emission Spectra from Plant Grains and Leaves",

September 27th: Conference day 2


09:00-09:50 "From Gutenberg to Llamas: print optimization through first principles and AI",

Session 2A

09:50-10:10 "Investigation of Image Features for Perceptually Equivalent Gloss Reproduction through Comparison of Real Objects and Images",
10:10-10:30 "Stitching from spectral filter array video sequences",
10:30-11:00 Coffee break


11:00-11:50 (Invited talk to be confirmed)

Session 2B

11:50-12:10 "Classification of lung nodules on CT via pseudo-colour images and deep features from pre-trained convolutional networks",
12:10-12:30 "Painter Verification Using Color Palettes: An Exploratory Study",
12:30-14:20 Lunch break


14:20-15:10 "Advancements in Practical Facial Skin Reflectance Measurement and Realistic Age Transformation",

Session 2C

15:10-15:30 "Illuminant Equivariant Networks for Computational Color Constancy",
15:30-16:00 "Revisiting Color Constancy Using CNNs: Including Recent Observations",
16:00-16:20 "Temporal color consistency for temporal color constancy",
16:20-16:50 Coffee break

Session 2D

16:50-17:10 "Instance-based CycleGAN for object segmentation with few annotations",
17:10-17:30 "ChromaPose: Robustness of 2D Pose Estimation Under Different Color Illuminations",
17:30-18:00 Closing discussion

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